Health Inventory |
Parents fill out Part 1 of the Health Inventory form and your pediatrician will fill out the rest. Parents must also request a current copy of your child's immunizations with the Health Inventory form. Immunizations must be updated annually at the school.
Emergency Form |
Parents complete the Emergency form to indicate who is authorized to pick up your child from school on a regular basis. Please make sure that all contact information is valid so that we are able to get in touch with someone in the event of an emergency. Emergency forms are updated annually.
Photo Release Form |
Photo Release form lets us know the parents' preference for use of your child's picture in projects displayed in the classroom, in pictures shared with class parents through Brightwheel, in pictures shared with class parents through private Facebook pages, and in public web pages or media articles.
Discretionary Med Form |
Parent permission to use sunscreen, diaper rash cream, bug spray, and Chapstick. Please include the brand name and send the approved items to school labeled with your child's name.
Guide to Regulated Child Care |
This publication from MSDE gives parents information about who regulates child care , what regulations are in place, how to access the full list of Licensing regulations, and who to contact if you have a concern about your child's program.