Pet Policy
We believe that contact with animals and caring for them increases children’s awareness of the interdependence of creatures, humans and the physical environment, and is beneficial to the children. At enrollment, parents are asked to inform the school if their child has any allergy to animals. All staff are notified and details of the allergy are displayed in strategic places throughout the school. Animals are kept inaccessible to children with pet allergies. Children are supervised at all times while handling animals at the school. All animals or pets kept at the preschool are given food and water regularly and animal enclosures are kept clean. Pet food is stored in a place inaccessible to children, as is any equipment needed to care for it. All pet cages and containers are secured so as not to be a hazard. Our teachers intentionally teach children to respect all animals and how to handle and care for them. We also teach children that not all animals are friendly, and to always check with an animal’s owner before petting the animal. Animals and pets are kept away from:
· Where any child eats or sleeps
· Food preparation areas
· Children’s toilet and hand washing facilities
· Children’s hand washing sinks
· Other areas that cannot be cleaned and sanitized readily (e.g. carpets)
· Sandpits
All persons including children wash their hands immediately after they have touched an animal, and children are taught the reasoning for this. In the event of a child being scratched or bitten by an animal and the skin penetrated, the wound will be cleansed with soap and water immediately and appropriate antiseptic applied. An Incident Report will be completed, and the parent contacted and advised to take the child to a medical practitioner.
· Where any child eats or sleeps
· Food preparation areas
· Children’s toilet and hand washing facilities
· Children’s hand washing sinks
· Other areas that cannot be cleaned and sanitized readily (e.g. carpets)
· Sandpits
All persons including children wash their hands immediately after they have touched an animal, and children are taught the reasoning for this. In the event of a child being scratched or bitten by an animal and the skin penetrated, the wound will be cleansed with soap and water immediately and appropriate antiseptic applied. An Incident Report will be completed, and the parent contacted and advised to take the child to a medical practitioner.