Safety & Security
At the current time, parents are allowed in the school building on the preschool side, and the entrance to the school will be monitored by the office staff. We are monitoring the entrance doors at both the Infant/Toddler entrance and the Preschool entrance in the Advent building. On the preschool side of the building, we have a separate playground entrance which is also locked at all times and accessible by code. Parents are not permitted into the building on the Infant and Toddler side. Because of these students vulnerable immune systems we are limited their access to other parents in the building as a Covid precaution.
Students are only released to individuals that you have designated as authorized on your child’s Emergency Form. Please note that we can only release students to adults over the age of 18.
If your child will need to be picked up by someone other than the people you have designated, you may write a note or call the school to provide authorization. If someone is coming to pick up your child for the first time, please ask them to bring a photo ID to school to verify their identity.
Students are only released to individuals that you have designated as authorized on your child’s Emergency Form. Please note that we can only release students to adults over the age of 18.
If your child will need to be picked up by someone other than the people you have designated, you may write a note or call the school to provide authorization. If someone is coming to pick up your child for the first time, please ask them to bring a photo ID to school to verify their identity.